
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

tugas etika profeional akuntansi

Kelompok  etika  profesi akuntansi:
1.            Feni Suharti                                       (22211808)
2.            Hardiyanti Syafitri                            (23211221)
3.            Lusiyana                                            (24211161)
4.            Novia Ulfah                                       (25211238)
5.            Prima Yulivani D                               (28211028)
6.            Sri Oktari                                            (26211877)

1.  What are the ethical issues raised by this case ?
Answer :  Ethical issues of this case regarding abnormalities and environmental responsibility has resulted in many casualties of a toxic gas leak from the factory.
2.  Did the legal doctrine of “limited liability” apply to protect the shareholders of union garbide corporation (US) ?
 Answer : Not, the legal doctrines do not apply to protect the shareholders to the detriment of shareholders, causing the ire of shareholders as a result of the loss suffered. in Bhopal union carbide have been losing money for several years.
3. Were the Indian operations, which were being overseen by the managers of union carbide corporation (US),  in compliance with legal or moral or ethical standards?
Answer : Not in accordance with law, norms and ethics as union carbide have ignored the warnings that have been given to the manager of the United States to improve the ten major weaknesses in equipment and safety procedures. sehingg gas leak and cause many fatalities as a result of the negligence of union carbide.

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